4 Strategies to become more self-disciplined

Self-discipline fundamentals

You’ve been told repeatedly that you need a little more self-discipline, maybe a lot more. Generally speaking, being able to focus more, being more productive in managing your finances, is all well and good. But how precisely does one accomplish this?

There are many methods to improve self-discipline, what works for one may not work for another. However, these four fundamental starting points should assist you in getting started on the correct path.

Count Down

We’re hard-wired for survival in what’s commonly called the “fight or flight” response. When faced with a threat you must either fight back or flee.

Although these kinds of threats do still sometimes occur, the more pervasive threat is when faced with doing something new or stressful.

When we hesitate, the body has a small time frame where it determines whether or not there is a real danger. When you freeze your body interprets this as a threat and immediately goes into “fight or flight” response.

Count up to five. That’s it. Count to five and then stretch or stand and stroll around a bit, and then get back into the issue at hand. It’s a great way to reset your brain’s reaction and get it ready to start focusing again.

Self-discipline requires baby steps

Take the change you make in small steps and don’t attempt to take on several changes all at once. It’s often more practical to start small working your way up, especially in the beginning. It’s difficult enough to develop new self-discipline skills when starting out, so don’t overwhelm yourself.

The concept behind self-discipline is to be flexible and adaptable.

Connect one or more action steps to your general goal

Jot down three or four actions steps that you can take today and connect one or more of them to your general goal.

Having too many goals will overwhelm you.

The concept behind self-discipline is to be flexible and adaptable, and having too many goals will make it more difficult to maintain that balance

Self-discipline requires you to be Patient

Self-discipline means holding off on instant gratification. You’ll need to practice patience while learning it.

Please remember that from time to time you will fail. We all do. However, what you do with that failure is what counts.

Keep in mind that self-discipline is not about instant success, but rather deferred gratification.

The effort is well worth it. So, practice patience and bear in mind your overall goal.

Self-discipline summary

These simple strategies should help you begin your journey to learn and master self-discipline.

You’re going to pick up other tips and tricks along your journey you will also be learning from others, but these four strategies are a good start.

Remain on course and stay focused.

You’ve really got this!

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