How to deal with self-doubt

Self-doubt and balance

Self-doubt is more common than you think. Were you aware that a staggering 85 per cent of people suffer from low self-worth? This problem affects their personal and professional lives, including employment, health and earnings.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” ― Suzy Kassem

The problem here is, self-doubt and low self-worth prevent you from reaching your highest capabilities. Many of the characteristics associated with self-doubt begin in infancy and either increase or decrease over time. If you are overwhelmed by self-doubt and struggle to find a balance between making decisions and taking action, take a look at these practical tips to help build more self-confidence and increase self-trust:

Acknowledge self-doubt

Self-doubt is a part of being a human being, and ignoring it isn’t going to remove it. Learn to accept it and convert it into an empowering asset. Adopting this attitude can assist you in remaining calm and making better decisions, rather than rushing into things. Think of it as a method which guides your actions and prevents you from making expensive errors. Be sure you don’t overuse it, as self-doubt can also cause you to challenge your safety as well as question your decision-making ability.

Self-doubt is not unique

Amazingly even the people with the most achievements have doubts. There are times when they doubt their decisions and second guess themselves. When we continually focus on the doubts and anxieties we have, we limit our decision-making ability. It’s essential to make time to concentrate on building your self-esteem and self-trust. You may never get rid of all the doubts; however, you can stop them from taking your life over.

Get all the facts

Keep in mind that your anxieties do not necessarily represent the facts. They mostly show your concerns and emotional struggles within. Think of your successes and about the hard work it took to get where you are today.

Be proud of yourself and marvel at your skills.

Only do a reality check and get all the facts whenever you are in uncertain about something. Explore the problem at hand, weigh the pros and cons and if necessary, ask for a second opinion.

Acknowledge your strengths

Create a list of items in which you excel; you’ll be surprised how many there are. Write down your credentials and achievements.

Graciously embrace praise from others and recognise your talent.

Choose to celebrate your strengths every single day. Make encouraging comments, and note how much you have done up to now. Avoid worrying about what should have been done differently.

Select Your Friends Carefully

Pessimistic people can ruin your self-worth and pull you down into self-doubt. Nothing ever seems to be good enough for them; they only see the negative side of things. That’s why surrounding yourself with people who are positive and enthusiastic is so essential. Optimistic people have very little self-doubt, and they can support you in a non-judgemental way.

Examine Your Values

Your attitude, behaviour, likes and dislikes and even your dreams and goals are rooted in your values. It’s your values that will determine your response to any given situation. In summary, examine the values you live by every day; focus on the core beliefs that drive your actions and decisions in your life. Once you have done this, you will have a more rational and coherent view of the current situation. Reflect on the issues that motivate your behaviour and are at the core of your convictions. Overcoming self-doubt is a process and will continue throughout your life. Avoid calling your own choices into question. Don’t waste time thinking things over too much trust your actions and bring your plans into effect.

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